About Me

I am now an Associate Professor in the School of Electronic Information and Communications (EIC), Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), China. Prior to that, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Statistics and at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) of University of California, Berkeley, hosted by Michael Mahoney. I obtained my Ph.D. from CentraleSupélec, University Paris-Saclay, France, in 2019, where I worked with Romain Couillet and Yacine Chitour.

My work primarily focuses on the statistical and computational aspects of machine learning, signal processing, and data science. Currently, I am particularly interested in high-dimensional statistics and random matrix theory, as well as their interactions with (deep or not so deep) neural networks.

For more information, see here for my headshot and here for a short bio in Chinese.

Curriculum Vitae

Here is my CV in English and in Chinese.

My Erdős number is 4, via Romain Couillet, Zhidong Bai, and Gutti Jogesh Babu.



2024 and Earlier

Contact Me

E-mail: zhenyu_liao at hust.edu.cn