Happy to announce the 2022 Joint Workshop on “Mathematics for Data Science” between HUST and University Paris-Saclay taking place in Sep 22-23 2022 on zoom! See the detailed program here and the playback here (for Sep 22) and here (for Sep 23)!
Time and Place: Sep 22-23 2022, Online, 9:00-12:00 Paris time and 15:00-18:00 Beijing Time.
Detailed program (Paris time):

Program for Thurs 22 Sep 2022 (Chair: Zhenyu Liao)
- 9:00–9:10: Welcome speech, Robert C. Qiu, IEEE Fellow, Dean of EIC, HUST
- 9:10–9:50: Robust statistics and clustering - Application to signal and image processing, Frédéric Pascal, CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay
- 9:50–10:30: Context-Tree-Based Lossy Compression, Sheng Yang, CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay
- 10:30–10:40: Virtual Coffee Break
- 10:40–11:20: Learning without labels on multivariate biosignals: From unsupervised to self-supervised learning, Alexandre Gramfort, Inria Saclay, Paris-Saclay
- 11:20–12:00: Identifying, prediction, and control in non-Gaussian stochastic dynamical systems, Ting Gao, Dept. Math, HUST
Program for Thurs Fri 23 Sep (Chair: Yacine Chitour)
- 9:00–9:05: Brief introduction, Yacine Chitour, L2S, Paris-Saclay
- 9:05–9:45: Topological Data Analysis to improve learning models: an introduction and a few examples, Frédéric Chazal, Inria Saclay, Paris-Saclay
- 9:45–10:25: Unrolled Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Image Blind Deconvolution, Émilie Chouzenoux, Inria Saclay, Paris-Saclay
- 10:25–10:40: Virtual Coffee Break
- 10:40–11:20: Modelling crowd behavior through mean field games, Guilherme Mazanti, Inria Saclay, Paris-Saclay
- 11:20–12:00: Conditional gradient method for mean-field type problems, Laurent Pfeiffer, Inria Saclay, Paris-Saclay
More information
- The joint workshop has been a great success and has attracted more than 40000 online attendees!
- Here for detailed program and speakers' bio.
- Here the playback of Sep 22 and here of Sep 23!
Contact and Thanks
- Coordinator HUST: Zhenyu Liao, EIC, HUST
- Coordinator University Paris-Saclay: Yacine Chitour, Paris-Saclay
The organizers are grateful for support from H-CODE and DATAIA of University Paris-Saclay, NSFC via fund NSFC-62206101 and NSFC-12141107, CCF-Hikvision Open Fund (20210008), as well as the AI TIME team in making the workshop possible!